So a lot has happened since my last post. Well not really, just seems that way. My girlfriend and I spilt so I've just been focusing on work. I got more (tattoo)work done on my arm and that really is about it. With this lack of a girlfriend I have been going to bible study and hanging out with old and new friends. Last night I went to Santa Monica and hung out with one of my friends from when I lived in Alabama, she was out there for a film festival that was going on, I was walking her to her hotel room and there was a party in the courtyard for this movie "kickass" all I know about it is Nicholas Cage has something to do with it. There was a spot light that had a stencil that spelt out "kickass" shining on the walls of the hotel. Before that though we were walking around third street and the pier just talking about stuff we've gone through with former lovers and the crazy lives we've both had. We we're talking about how random the people we meet are, politicians, musicians, actors, ect. We were just talking about how thats stuff that isn't "normal" but because of who of are parents aren't are its normal to us, more so her than me but meeting those kind of people doesn't even phase us, but I guess we might be in the right mindset because they are just people.
I was telling her this story of one of our friend about how I was talking to him before his band played, small local band nothing notable, and he was freaking out cause the singer of the death metal band "Impending Doom" was standing next to him. Me, being the douche bag I am,replied with "So?" which led him to say "Its brook from Impending Doom!" or something like that, basically just repeating himself to get his point across. After that I replied with "Yea? So? He's a person just like you, doing literally the same exact thing you are. The only difference is his band is on a label and your band isn't" I don't get why or how people can idolize another person that much. I understand looking up to someone and to push your skill to match the skill that person has or even try to be better than someone but at the end of the day theyre still a human being, they still pay bills, take craps, long for love, feel alone. You can look at Heath Ledger or DJAM, at the end of there life they weren't what the world thought they were, they were just humans that felt alone.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these people aren't special or talented, that's not what I'm saying at all. They're human being, not God.
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